June 2020 Big of The Month

Every match is different in their own way, but the one thing that makes every match stand out is how they choose to learn from one another. Big Brother Lewis and Little Brother Cole are the example of just that. Learning is one of the core values that Big Brothers Big Sisters stand for and the way this match displays that is by enhancing the capability of learning a new language. Little Brother Cole had an interest to learning how to speak Chinese and he found that his Big Brother knew how to speak Chinese. They were practicing the language as they did other things, talk about multitasking! Of course they did this at their own pace without having to worry too much about being pressured because it was something they both wanted to grow on even if it was just little steps at a time.

The match always remained active and one of their favorite things to do was to enjoy bike rides and it is one thing that they keep doing. Bike rides and learning a new language isn’t the only thing they do though. They also do all sorts of other activities such as going to museums. This has only grown their connection much stronger and when Little Brother Cole’s birthday came around Big Brother Lewis got each other matching t-shirts that say “The Journey is the Enjoyment” and that couldn’t be more true for this match.

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